
Becoming a member

Applications for membership must be nominated by one member and seconded by another. Application forms are available from the club manager. The nominations will be posted on the Club’s notice board for 14 days before being considered by the committee, which (a) has the power from time to time to limit the number of any class of member and (b) may accept, defer or reject any nomination.

There is a table fee of $8 per player per session. This can be paid through the “cashless payment” system where members credit their club “account” via internet payment to Victoria Bridge Club a/c 06 0501 0008713-00 and table fees will automatically be taken from this account at each session played, or alternatively members can pay in cash at the session.


Types of memberships

Full club membership

Full club members
If your home club is a club other than Victoria, your membership at Victoria will not include the NZB levy (You pay $123).

$150.00 (includes GST & NZ Bridge levy)


Associate members

Associate members
Persons resident anywhere in New Zealand who are entitled to play not more than ten club sessions at the club in any calendar year.

$89.60 (includes GST)

Associate members where your home club is not Victoria:

$62.00 (includes GST)

Thursday members

Thursday Members are entitled to play on Thursday afternoons only.

If your home club is a club other than Victoria, your Thursday Afternoon Membership at Victoria will cost $60.

If you do not have another home club and need to join Victoria, your Afternoon Membership will cost $87.60 including the NZBridge Levy.

Country members

Country members whose usual place of residence is north of either Levin or Featherston.

$89.60 (includes GST)

Country members where your home club is not Victoria:

$62.00 (includes GST)

Student members – under the age of 26 undertaking a full course of tertiary study.

$30 (includes GST)

Student members

Life members - elected as such in recognition of distinguished and valuable service.

Life members


Apply for membership

If you would like to know more about applying for membership, please send your contact details through on the form provided.